Monday, March 26, 2012

14 Days of UGH!!

Fourteen days of UGH. Yep. Two weeks ago I woke up with a fever and totally unable to get out of bed. I still have a nagging cough and actually feel much better. After sleeping through 6 days I managed to step back into life. LIFE sucked. I am putting a smile on and not complaining but day 7 through 14 have taken a toll on my patience. My washing machine was barely spinning out the the smallest of loads of laundry. Monday's swim team practice was canceled due to a "poop" in the pool. I think it actually floated a while before it was discovered in the deep end. Gross is an understatement.  Tuesday I laced up and "attempted" a run outside where I managed 3.5 miles sounding as if I was in the middle of an asthma attack. Depressing, yes. Sounding like a seal.... I just had to laugh it off. Wednesday I head back from swim team only to have kids yelling in the car as I was backing into the garage or should I say backing into something. Yep, a full gallon of paint, which exploded all over bikes, table saw, you name it there was paint on it. I managed to clean bikes and wipe down "stuff" but I am sorry to say I hosed down the garage floor. Not a very "green" way to clean up my green mess but my time was limited. Thursday rocked. I managed to clean 20 bags of dead leaves, sticks and mess out of all my front flower beds. I pulled out perennials, divided plants, pruned trees. Awesome. WOW! Things are looking up. Friday I managed more yard work, painted Issa's room and had to admit defeat. The washing machine has passed on. Anxiety of not doing any laundry for 5 days has my OCD nerves rattling on an hourly basis. By 10 p.m.  on sit down with a few glasses of wine. Head to bed. Awe, sleep. Nope!! I bump a scentsy in my bedroom and spray wax all over my newly painted wall and the carpet. CRAP!!! Saturday it takes me an hour to clean up that mess. Really, what else can go wrong. Well it turns out I can't just buy a washing machine. I need a set. I put Rob in charge. Faithful, shopper Rob.

It's Monday! It's the first day of spring break. It's raining! It's a great day. My new washer/dryer will be here this morning and I can spend the day doing laundry, cleaning, and watching the rain water my beautiful, clean, landscaped yard literally springing to life.

The last 14 days have been challenging but what is life but challenging? Who would we be if we just rolled though every day with smiles and bliss. I am not complaining but I am looking forward to a week of less challenge and more laughing and fun with my family.

Here is to spring my friends. May the rain bring you beautiful flowers!!


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