Thursday, February 2, 2012

6 more weeks of winter! Wait! What?

February 2nd and a forecast of 6 more weeks of winter. Wait. What? Here is today's 7 day forecast for Boise.

 Bogus Basin had it's latest opening date in the history of the ski hill and I still have not done a "winter" run on a snow covered trail. Today I attempted to run the trail above my house and was lucky the trail police were not out kicking me off the trail. I managed to get a picture of my running backdrop (the reason I miss my trails this time of year).

I only managed 2.5 miles of trail, enough to get a picture because many parts of the trails look like this.....

After finishing a beautiful run this was the temperature when I made it home.

I am not going to complain. It has been nothing but beautiful and I feel for my friends in other parts of the country who are being buried alive with snow. I will just embrace Mother Nature and all she has to offer.


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