Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Age is JUST a Number!!

Age IS just a number!! As I watch the days of April, literally, fly by with activities I am amazed that on my up and coming birthday I will be 44 years old. No way!! I feel like I am 34 but the truth is what it is so, as I have done since the magic day of turning 40 I am setting my goals of celebration for the big day.
Cute right?

A few past goals have been running my first 10 miles, running my first 13.1.... This year I am adding a year of celebration. Why celebrate all year? Well turning 44 means that I am celebrating, every day, living 45 years of life. I THINK this is a big deal so yes, I am going to celebrate daily.

Part 1:
Rob also is turning 44 in June so, together, we are going to run 4 half marathons together AND run our first 30k in September. Yes, the crazy lady has invited my dear husband into my crazy, obsessed world of running. I hope we grow old running trails together but for now we just need to survive these races.

(A few years ago Rob and I spent New Year's Eve with our dear friends The Smocks. We were highly intoxicated and I still pray no one secretly has video of us..... but we made resolutions. Mine was to be "happy" every day. Julia gave me some time and I came up with a plan. Happiness is a choice not just some smile you paste on your face as you jump out of bed each day. I spent 10 months of 2010 choosing happiness.)

Part 2:
Celebrating all year I will to choose to be happy every day. This is the plan.
1. I am going to write down 5 things I am grateful for every day. (before I did 10)
2. Do one act of kindness to pay something forward daily.
3. Find one inspirational quote that reflects my day.

This will begin on my birthday and I vow to journal it daily and "try" to blog it. I am hoping to have a complete life full of written proof of my choice to live a happy life to share on my 45th birthday. Ending my year, or beginning, how ever I choose to see it, there will be my first 26.1 race.

Now to clarify, when I made my grateful list before, I had simple things on the list like "I am grateful my children fight, because it reminds me I HAVE children." I also found it enlightening in many different ways....

Very few people read my blog but what do you do everyday to live a happy life? Do you choose the negative or look for the positive? Do you celebrate your age or do you dread your birthday?


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