Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Age is JUST a Number!!

Age IS just a number!! As I watch the days of April, literally, fly by with activities I am amazed that on my up and coming birthday I will be 44 years old. No way!! I feel like I am 34 but the truth is what it is so, as I have done since the magic day of turning 40 I am setting my goals of celebration for the big day.
Cute right?

A few past goals have been running my first 10 miles, running my first 13.1.... This year I am adding a year of celebration. Why celebrate all year? Well turning 44 means that I am celebrating, every day, living 45 years of life. I THINK this is a big deal so yes, I am going to celebrate daily.

Part 1:
Rob also is turning 44 in June so, together, we are going to run 4 half marathons together AND run our first 30k in September. Yes, the crazy lady has invited my dear husband into my crazy, obsessed world of running. I hope we grow old running trails together but for now we just need to survive these races.

(A few years ago Rob and I spent New Year's Eve with our dear friends The Smocks. We were highly intoxicated and I still pray no one secretly has video of us..... but we made resolutions. Mine was to be "happy" every day. Julia gave me some time and I came up with a plan. Happiness is a choice not just some smile you paste on your face as you jump out of bed each day. I spent 10 months of 2010 choosing happiness.)

Part 2:
Celebrating all year I will to choose to be happy every day. This is the plan.
1. I am going to write down 5 things I am grateful for every day. (before I did 10)
2. Do one act of kindness to pay something forward daily.
3. Find one inspirational quote that reflects my day.

This will begin on my birthday and I vow to journal it daily and "try" to blog it. I am hoping to have a complete life full of written proof of my choice to live a happy life to share on my 45th birthday. Ending my year, or beginning, how ever I choose to see it, there will be my first 26.1 race.

Now to clarify, when I made my grateful list before, I had simple things on the list like "I am grateful my children fight, because it reminds me I HAVE children." I also found it enlightening in many different ways....

Very few people read my blog but what do you do everyday to live a happy life? Do you choose the negative or look for the positive? Do you celebrate your age or do you dread your birthday?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lace 'em up Girlie

I hate her! I love her!

Miss Crazy: "Lace 'em up."
Me" "NO. I know it's nice out. I know I have a scheduled run! I KNOW!"
Miss Crazy: * silence *
Me:* guilt *

So I lace 'em up. Repeating this...

Feeling like this....

In my mind's eye running like this....

Yes I ran. The entire run debating motivation (The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.) and discipline (,exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training).

I know my motivation is a result of success. Discipline is what makes me, on a daily basis, stick to my goals. Each day adding up to weekly miles, monthly achievements and changes that create a better me.

So I finished my run repeating this...

I will give myself the credit for my 6.6 miles in 60 minutes. I should know by now never argue with Miss Crazy.

Do you think you lack motivation or is your problem discipline?


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Banana Bread that is YUM!!!

I have been making mini loaves of banana bread and pumpkin bread since Christmas. I tweaked a recipe and EVERYONE seems to want it so here goes....

3/4 cup sugar
1 stick (1/2 cup unsalted butter)
4 med. ripe bananas mashed bananas
1/2 cup light sour cream
2 large eggs
1 cup white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup ground flax seed
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 to 2 teaspoons cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350. Butter and flour the bottoms of you loaf pans. Choose 2 8x4 loaves or 8 mini loaves (you can also make 18 regular muffins).

Beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add sour cream, eggs and bananas and mix until everything is incorporated. Slowly stir in flour, flax, baking soda and salt.

Bake on center rack at 350 for 55 minutes for loaves, 25 to minutes for muffins or mini loaves. Let cool 20 minutes before removing from pans and completely cool before packaging.

I prefer the mini loaves. You can also add 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips. You can also substitute bananas for a 16 oz can of pumpkin and alter the spices with nutmeg, clove and cinnamon. You can add nuts... maybe even try it with applause. It's a fun healthy recipe that all my kids love. Enjoy!!


Monday, March 26, 2012

14 Days of UGH!!

Fourteen days of UGH. Yep. Two weeks ago I woke up with a fever and totally unable to get out of bed. I still have a nagging cough and actually feel much better. After sleeping through 6 days I managed to step back into life. LIFE sucked. I am putting a smile on and not complaining but day 7 through 14 have taken a toll on my patience. My washing machine was barely spinning out the the smallest of loads of laundry. Monday's swim team practice was canceled due to a "poop" in the pool. I think it actually floated a while before it was discovered in the deep end. Gross is an understatement.  Tuesday I laced up and "attempted" a run outside where I managed 3.5 miles sounding as if I was in the middle of an asthma attack. Depressing, yes. Sounding like a seal.... I just had to laugh it off. Wednesday I head back from swim team only to have kids yelling in the car as I was backing into the garage or should I say backing into something. Yep, a full gallon of paint, which exploded all over bikes, table saw, you name it there was paint on it. I managed to clean bikes and wipe down "stuff" but I am sorry to say I hosed down the garage floor. Not a very "green" way to clean up my green mess but my time was limited. Thursday rocked. I managed to clean 20 bags of dead leaves, sticks and mess out of all my front flower beds. I pulled out perennials, divided plants, pruned trees. Awesome. WOW! Things are looking up. Friday I managed more yard work, painted Issa's room and had to admit defeat. The washing machine has passed on. Anxiety of not doing any laundry for 5 days has my OCD nerves rattling on an hourly basis. By 10 p.m.  on sit down with a few glasses of wine. Head to bed. Awe, sleep. Nope!! I bump a scentsy in my bedroom and spray wax all over my newly painted wall and the carpet. CRAP!!! Saturday it takes me an hour to clean up that mess. Really, what else can go wrong. Well it turns out I can't just buy a washing machine. I need a set. I put Rob in charge. Faithful, shopper Rob.

It's Monday! It's the first day of spring break. It's raining! It's a great day. My new washer/dryer will be here this morning and I can spend the day doing laundry, cleaning, and watching the rain water my beautiful, clean, landscaped yard literally springing to life.

The last 14 days have been challenging but what is life but challenging? Who would we be if we just rolled though every day with smiles and bliss. I am not complaining but I am looking forward to a week of less challenge and more laughing and fun with my family.

Here is to spring my friends. May the rain bring you beautiful flowers!!


Friday, March 16, 2012

I don't do "sick"

Well, this week has been the longest, yet the fastest week of my life. I have not been ill enough for antibiotics since 2009 and Sunday all hell broke loose in my body. I went to bed with chest congestion and woke up with a fever and completely incapacitated. WTH?? I am a busy woman with 3 kids, yard work, house work, and running to do. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. Well it did and after 2 trips to the doctor, a shot in the ass and 2 different antibiotics I am officially on the mend. At least today I can function around the house, still eating soup, and "resting" although I still can't break through this low grade temperature which  has refused to break.

Any one who knows me and the Crazy Lady knows I must be on my death bed before I rest. Needless to say this sucked. I have missed 7 days of running. YES, 7 days. Rob filled in on kid duty and I am trying my best to suck it up and take care of myself. The weekly list of spring chores will have to wait until next week. The laundry is done, the house relatively clean and the guilt lightens from yard work because of a week of rain.

Why is it the mom's feel such guilt when they are down? Why can't we just accept help and rest. Relax? I rarely do that.... I am sure after a weekend of "rest" I will be up and running as usual.

For all those who judge us SAHM's as being lazy... well I won't defend it but you SAHM's totally know how the house, schedule, meals, laundry can fall into shambles when Mom is down. Here's to a healthier weekend and a Happy St. Patty's day all.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

6 more weeks of winter! Wait! What?

February 2nd and a forecast of 6 more weeks of winter. Wait. What? Here is today's 7 day forecast for Boise.

 Bogus Basin had it's latest opening date in the history of the ski hill and I still have not done a "winter" run on a snow covered trail. Today I attempted to run the trail above my house and was lucky the trail police were not out kicking me off the trail. I managed to get a picture of my running backdrop (the reason I miss my trails this time of year).

I only managed 2.5 miles of trail, enough to get a picture because many parts of the trails look like this.....

Note to my running friend

I am thinking I should start a blog but since I haven't I am going to share with you my running adventure. Sunday I rocked a 7.5 mile run at 9 min. miles. Went to derm. yesterday and he punched a mole so I couldn't run yesterday. Met my cancer doc. this am and I am good to go. Woo Hoo. Sooo.... It is 48 degrees and I ate a light lunch at 11:30. 1:00 I head out the door. I attempted to run veteran's and the shit was so freaking muddy I almost ended up on my ass a number of times. By this time I was at the top so I headed through the badger holes and the sage brush to some pavement. I headed up to loop the veladrome and had a "pants my poop" moment... SERIOUSLY a major 1st for me that sent me into a panic. I race to the bathroom there and it is closed due to vandalism. WTF... I am dieing here. I get my "issues" under control and race to the cemetery. The freaking bridge is out on the canal along Horseshoe Bend road and there are tons of people working. At this point I am not sure if I can make it to the bathroom. I finally make it through the cemetery to the bathroom and at this point, due to my meds, I am also about to pee my pants. Whew. Made it. "Issues" were just cramping so after my potty break I finished my run. 9 miles @ 9:45 minute miles. Not bad for such a shitty run. I think if I can handle that I can handle Robie.

So after sending this to my friend I decided that my attempt in blogging may be fun. I don't know how committed I will be but what the heck.


Marathon Thoughts